Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 7, 2020

What is B2B Content Marketing? 7 Successful Examples

The goal is simple: use content marketing to drive more traffic, acquire leads, and generate sales for your business. Now, here’s the thing: there is no one right way of doing content marketing. Depending on their goals, resources, target audience, and

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Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 7, 2020

How to Increase Website Authority (Domain Rating)

However, the truth is that while increasing website authority is never a bad thing, increasing the score itself shouldn’t be your primary focus. Instead, you should focus on what causes the score to rise: that’s high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.

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Why Digital Marketing Is Important

Digital marketing is a strategy that utilizes the Internet and web-based tools to reach prospective customers. It is a complex field involving a wide range of techniques and it has evolved considerably over the years.

Up until a few years ago, digital marketing was just a new strategy that only online businesses needed but it now it has become an important tool for all kinds of industries. Whether you have an e-commerce website or a traditional brick-and-mortar store, digital marketing is essential. Here’s a look at why digital marketing is so important:

  1. People Research Online Before Shopping

According to GE Capital Retail Bank’s study, approximately 81% of consumers research online before they visit a store. That’s a number no business can afford to ignore, which means everyone needs to have a strong online presence. You need to show up on a prospective customer’s online searches and establish your authority in the field.

Having an online presence is essential for both e-commercial and traditional businesses because people carry powerful search engines in their pockets. It’s common for customers to be in a store, find a product interesting, and then research it online through their smartphones. If you want to reach and impress these audiences, you need a good digital marketing strategy involving techniques like SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media marketing, etc.

  1. Digital Marketing is Affordable

Most businesses have a small marketing budget. They can’t afford to take money away from essential production and maintenance activities just to promote their products or services. Fortunately, digital marketing is very accessible and even small businesses with a limited budget can find a large converting audience. An optimized approach can help you find customers without burning hole in your pocket.

Experienced marketers start by experimenting with different campaigns, studying the analytics results, and then refine active campaigns accordingly. They can remove all strategies that don’t work and just maintain those that do.

That helps save a lot of money while still generating good results. For example, you can compare the performance of different ad campaigns on different platforms like Google, Bing, Facebook, etc., and decide whether you want to keep investing in all platforms or focus on just one or two.

  1. Tracking and Monitoring is Easy 

You can track and monitor every single aspect of your digital marketing through powerful analytics tools. These tools will track different kinds of interactions with advertising or promotional content and provide detailed reports. You can study these reports and optimize campaigns accordingly.

Analytics tools make it easier to run a smarter and more effective campaign. You can take all of the information collected from interactions to optimize your products or services as well. For example, if a particular product page has a higher bounce rate than others, you can look into the product or the page and make the required adjustments. It is easier for businesses to get more out of their active campaigns because of these analytic tools.

  1. Personalization and Direct Interactions with Target Audiences

Modern consumers like experiences more than anything else. They respond well if you show them they are valued. Personalizing and direct interaction is a great way to create a better user experience for everyone. You can send personalized email newsletters, interact with them directly on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and create tailored content that’s relevant to their interests.

Social media platforms offer ample opportunity for brands to establish a personal rapport with customers. They can help humanize the company, which can encourage a bond of trust between brand and customer. Few other marketing mediums offer this kind of opportunities and that’s why many marketers consider digital campaigns essential.

  1. Digital Marketing is Faster

Traditional marketing is very slow. You can’t respond to trends or social concerns quickly, which can be detrimental in today’s fast-paced business environment. Brands need to capitalize on trends quickly to maintain their edge. Digital marketing is easier and faster. You can launch a new ad campaign within a day, publish a social media post in an hour, and create informative blog posts in a few days.

It is easier to keep up with customer preferences through an online platform. For example, brands with a strong online presence were able to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic faster than brands with no online assets. They were able to inform customers whether they were open or closed, what kind of safety precautions they’d take, etc, quickly. Digital marketing is uniquely suited for the modern business environment, which makes it an essential investment.

  1. Increased Reach

You may be able to reach a few hundred thousand readers through a magazine ad but you can reach millions of people through a well-targeted Facebook promotional campaign. Digital marketing platforms have a larger and more accurate reach. You can target people precisely based on their age, gender, location, education, times of activity, interests, profession, and more.

It is easier for businesses with an online presence to penetrate new markets as well. Many small, local businesses have started shipping internationally because their products became viral on a global level at some point. If you want your venture to grow, it is important to invest in active digital marketing.

Unlike traditional techniques, digital marketing allows you to approach customers from different directions without being too intrusive. That can help create a better relationship with the customer and establish a strong base. All of these reasons showcase just how important this form of marketing is for modern businesses.

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Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 7, 2020

What Are Keywords? How to Use Them for SEO

For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket, you might type something like “mens leather jacket” into Google. Even though that phrase consists of more than one word, it’s still a keyword. Of course, nobody outside of

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Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 7, 2020

How to Optimize PDFs for SEO (7 Steps)

PDFs are great for compatibility and consistency. They work on nearly any device and always maintain the same visual look. However, if you’re creating new content for the web, you should consider using web pages over PDFs. Below, we’ll explore:

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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 7, 2020

How Long Should Blog Posts Be? The ‘Truth’ About Content Length

From there, hitting a certain word count shouldn’t be your aim. Your aim should be to write a thorough, engaging, and well-researched post that’s as long as it needs to be: no less and no more. However, the fact that

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Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 7, 2020

How Long Does It Take For SEO To Start Working?

SEO is a multilayered and sophisticated marketing strategy. It requires some planning and strategizing, but brings significant organic traffic and can help you create a strong brand presence online. Unlike other marketing strategies like PPC, SEO takes some time, but it shows reliable results when implemented correctly. Trying to speed up the process will only compromise the quality of your campaign.

How Long Does It Take for SEO to Start Working?

Some experts will say it takes somewhere between four and six months, while others say it may take up to a year. These are all ballpark figures, which means there’s no definitive answer to this question. Some companies will start seeing results in 3-4 months, while others may have to wait for more than a year.

That doesn’t mean one campaign is inferior to another; it just means the circumstances are different. You can make sure all pieces in the puzzle are right and wait for the algorithm to change the ranking accordingly. However, external factors, like competition will have an impact on the results. A successful SEO campaign requires consistent effort and regular optimization to keep up with the current trends.

Because of this constant optimization, SEO campaigns gain traction and evolve. It delivers better results with time, which means SEO will deliver excellent results by six months, but it will deliver better reports after a year or two of running constantly. A well-planned campaign continues to expand organically and get you good leads.

Think of SEO as an investment that builds up over time. If you’re patient and wait for the results, it will deliver eventually and take your brand to new heights.

Factors that Influence The Speed of SEO

Several factors influence SEO speed, but the five most important are competition, content, location, keywords, and links. All these factors dictate the pace of your results in different ways. Here’s a look at how these factors influence SEO:

  1. Competition

SEO is a popular marketing strategy, and almost everyone is working on it. Your competitors are vying for the same rankings and leads that you are, which can hamper an SEO campaign’s success. They will target the same keywords as you and implement similar strategies. It can take more time for your campaign to gain traction when it is facing such a competition.

Smaller companies in less-competitive industries see results quickly. They can target popular keywords without facing much competition. Businesses in competitive industries need to work harder and dig deeper to get significant results. For example, a large-scale national clothing retailer will face more competition than a small town’s niche craft beer company.

  1. Content

Content helps you maintain a dynamic presence online and remain at the forefront of the search engine results pages. The quality and frequency of your content publication will have a significant impact on SEO. For example, if you publish around 2,000 to 2,500 words every week on a consistent schedule, you will see an improvement in rankings quickly. Dynamic websites with a steady flow of traffic climb the rankings faster than other platforms with less activity.

The quality of your content also matters. If you publish several small 500-word articles every day on general topics, the campaign will take more time to gain speed. However, if you post a well-written, informative article of around 2,000 words with new research or current data every week, the strategy will be more successful. Consider the value of the content and how it can help your target audience. Valuable and informative articles will gain more traction quickly.

  1. Location

The location of your business also influences the speed of an SEO campaign’s success. Local SEO can show results in around three months when implemented well. National SEO can take over a year to show good results. The location and scale of your campaign influence its speed. Small town businesses in suburbs or low-competition neighborhoods will get more traction.

For example, a digital marketer based in a big city like London or New York will have to work hard to promote their services and gain traction online. However, a small town’s candle-maker will gain attention quickly and see massive improvements in their organic traffic numbers after just a few SEO tweaks to their online presence.

  1. Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of SEO campaigns. It is crucial to pick the right ones to target. Experts recommend a combination of popular and less popular keywords. Popular keywords have more competition, so it is more difficult to rank high on their SERPs. You will need to work hard and establish a robust online presence with these keywords. Ranking on popular phrases is still essential, but the campaign will take several months to show any positive results.

Less-popular keywords and long-tail phrases won’t bring as much traffic to your website as trending search terms, but they will initially provide good visibility. You will show up on the first page more often, which will help you establish a stronger brand presence.

  1. Links

Inbound links are the most critical ranking factors, but getting good quality ones is an exercise in patience. Marketers need to create worthy content, reach out to popular publications with page and domain authority, and then wait until these publications agree to add links to their content.

This takes a lot of time, and it will be months before your website has a decent link profile. You won’t see converting traffic on search engines unless you have a reasonably influential link profile.

SEO takes time, and the results can vary from one campaign to another. It is essential to keep working on it until you gain consistent results. If you need help from one of our SEO experts, please contact us today.

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Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 7, 2020

5 Winning Types of Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

There are lots of ways to do this. Here are just a few popular types of content marketing: Blogging Video marketing Podcasting Email marketing Webinars Case studies Presentations eBooks White papers The list goes on. Is it possible to do

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Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 7, 2020

What Are Sitelinks and How Do I Edit Them?

Here’s an example: Sitelinks are one of the most common search features. They appear in 1.8% of SERPs in Ahrefs’ US database. Nearly every branded term has sitelinks and they also appear on many other queries like informational queries. In fact, nearly 67%

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